August 27, 2011

After Pics

It's not "gray," it's "sparrow."  

And the new ceiling fan looks a lot better with:  1) the light working, and 2) no sparks shooting out of the base. 

August 26, 2011

Emory/Berry Watermelon Run

A dual meet to kick off the season at Piedmont Park.

August 22, 2011


Don't worry, Mom.  I finally got around to it.

August 21, 2011

Home Makeover

Finally time to tackle the pink-ish hue of Jared's old room.  Not to mention the sponge-painting border around the ceiling.

August 19, 2011

Hill Climb

A great day to run up a hill for almost 6 miles.  

August 18, 2011

Athletically Challenged

It's a good thing these kids can run fast because the rest of their athletic skills are questionable.  You might ask why Ishan was standing in the canoe to begin with.  I would have no answer for you.

August 17, 2011

XC Time Trial

Emory XC season is under way!

August 15, 2011

Corner Office

New year, new job title, new office space.  The window looks out onto the hallway, but it's better than a wall.  

August 13, 2011

More CO fun

Colorado is home to wonderful scenery, awe-inspiring natural beauty, and tons of fun tourist activities -- and Taco Express breakfast burritos.  Guess where I started Jess's introduction to CO.

And then more CC fun-time at the BBQ for Ray and Rachel.

August 12, 2011

CO Time

I'm getting too used to seeing these guys on a regular basis.

And the night was made even better with giant beers, and a manly meal of steak and eggs.

August 11, 2011

Ray and Rachel

A beautiful wedding outside of Golden.  The bluegrass band for the reception was a fun touch.

And a fun mini-CCXC reunion.

August 10, 2011

Email Night

This picture may not be all that exciting -- but getting my "Reply To" folder down from 47 emails to 3 was pretty exciting for me.

August 8, 2011

To-Do Avalanche

When my to-do list stretches onto three post-its, I start to get worried.

August 7, 2011

Stocking Up

Official member of Costco.

August 2, 2011

Back to the Future

"Back to the Future" on the big screen as part of the "Retro Cinema" series at the movie tavern.  Jess had never seen it, and it was still as great as I remembered it.