September 10, 2011

Mel and Westin

Another wedding -- this one close to home.  More pictures coming later, but here's our pre-wedding prom pose pic.

September 9, 2011

Sushi Mio

This was only some of the sushi that we managed to eat.  A great end to what may have been the longest four-day week in history.

September 7, 2011

Fried Egg Sandwich Perfection

I started making soup for lunch before I decided that didn't sound nearly as good as a fried egg sandwich.  And man was that a good decision.  

September 3, 2011

New Blood

A successful start to the season at the Sewanee Invitational for Emory XC.

And the new members of the team played a big part in the team's performance.  It's amazing what a difference a year makes.

September 2, 2011

Good Advice

Ellwood feels my new office is a bit too zoo-like.

September 1, 2011

Gear Day

(Most) of our Asics stuff arrived yesterday, so I spent all day sorting boxes, counting apparel, and making notes of everything that they forget/didn't ship/lost/sent the wrong item.