December 31, 2010

New Year's Eve

The first official dinner guests at my place.  Huge amounts of fondue, several bottles of wine, some fireworks, fantastic company -- just a great end to 2010.  

December 30, 2010

Spare Change

There was a special promotion going on at the Coinstar machine that ended on the 31st, so it was officially time to get all my change together.  (I love the things that make my to-do list during breaks from school).

December 29, 2010


Brennan in Atlanta means Fellini's for dinner.

December 28, 2010


After a great trip to CO, I had to get up for a 6 AM flight, then go to work for the afternoon shift.  But as soon as we closed things started looking up.

December 27, 2010

Long Way Home

It's amazing that it only takes 5 minutes more to drive past this on the way to my parents' house.

December 26, 2010

The Best of CO

At the Broncos game with the family to see Tim Tebow's first NFL win, and then out with Palmer friends for a less-than-traditional 26th.

December 25, 2010

New Toys

When you get older you get Christmas gifts that are interesting and useful.  But when you're little the presents are a bit more amazing.

December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve Traditions

First, Dad and I headed over to help w/ NORAD Tracks Santa ...

Then everyone got dressed up and went to Carlo's for dinner.

December 23, 2010

Christmas #1

We celebrated Christmas w/ Shawn today before he left town.  It wasn't a white Christmas, but at least there was frost on the trees this morning.

December 22, 2010

Tree Trimming

Time to really get ready for Christmas!

December 21, 2010

Shopping Assistant

It's not last-minute shopping if you don't even have to use overnight shipping.

December 20, 2010

Pops' Birthday

Fortunately Pops didn't have to work too hard to get his presents open thanks to his helper.

December 19, 2010

Checking things off

So having a good picture to show the parents over Christmas wasn't the most important thing I needed to get done today, but it was the most fun -- so, therefore, that's what got done.

December 18, 2010

Monster BBQ

Pulled pork sandwiches, homemade mac 'n' cheese, and pickles for the vegetable ... it was much better than it looks in this picture.  I was pretty impressed.

December 17, 2010

Brass tacks

7 shopping days till Christmas.  Probably need to start making some progress.

December 16, 2010

Stress is Stress

Whether it's a hard workout, lack of sleep, or an acute case of holiday spirit brought on by crowds, etc. nothing helps like a good pair of compression socks.

December 15, 2010


Just when you think life couldn't be going any better -- admissions throws you a bone and lets every one of your ED kids in.  And since it's the 15th, it's official now.

December 14, 2010

Counselor Simmons

Thanks to the wisdom of Scott Simmons and more than a couple Shiner Bocks, we had distance running pretty figured out by the end of the night.  Turns out my favorite part of the coaching convention is spending time around people that make me feel good about coaching.

December 13, 2010

Jim in his element

I can't explain the joy I felt when I found Jim in a gas station parking lot w/ four cases of Bud Light.  Sometimes things in life just feel right.

December 12, 2010

Manly Work

Took a bowl-making class at Highland Woodworking today.  The finished product actually looks pretty finished.  Those guys know what they're doing!

December 11, 2010

National Record Delivery Day

I was on a plane back from CO over Thanksgiving when this little guy went on sale at independent record stores -- fortunately, thanks to Backstreets I didn't have to go on a wild goose chase when I got home.

December 10, 2010

Xmas Spirit

Time to get in the holiday spirit -- Christmas music (thanks, Boss) and sugar cookies.  We may not be Paula Dean, but I think my hands still smell like butter.

December 9, 2010

Twain Tracksters

The track staff's annual Christmas trip to Twain's for shuffleboard.  Given the company I'm sure it's no surprise there was a lot of "coaching up" during the games.

December 8, 2010

Season of Giving

Becky & Shawn up the ante with an awesome Christmas present idea -- a gift certificate to  If you haven't heard of it, check it out, it's pretty great.  And Oprah approves, so can argue?

December 7, 2010

December 6, 2010


Some how I pulled off my second tie of the season in fantasy football -- clearly my guys need to learn how to finish before the playoffs start.

December 5, 2010

Botanical Gardens

Slightly embarrassed to say that I had never been before, but the Atlanta Botanical Garden is awesome.  It was cold enough to keep most people away, but pretty enough out to make it a good trip -- even if some stuff was pretty dead.

December 4, 2010

The Modern Athlete

Cell phone in one hand, iPod in the other ... it's amazing anyone was able to race well before this decade.

December 3, 2010

Time Trials

Rob made a guest appearance today to show the young guys how it's done at the annual Pre-Winter Break Time Trials.

December 2, 2010

A Great Finish

All's well that ends well; so today ended up pretty great even with everything that happened.

December 1, 2010

"Fantasy" Football

Since the real world of football isn't great this year, might as well read a book that somehow involves wizards and football.

November 30, 2010

Low-key Tuesday

A perfect delivery for a rainy Tuesday evening.  

November 29, 2010

Seeing Double

So ... apparently I need some better record-keeping (no pun intended) as to what albums I actually own already.

November 28, 2010

Cold Cure

I guess all I needed to get over this cold was to go for a long run -- and I blame "Again to Carthage" for being out there at all!

November 27, 2010


iTunes and my OCD weren't getting along well today, but at least I got all sorts of essentials loaded.

November 26, 2010

Welcome Home

Considering the holiday in there, this seems like an awful lot of mail for one person.

November 25, 2010


Thanksgiving is a great idea for a holiday.  Colder this year at the cabin than down in Florida, but just as much fun.

November 24, 2010

Not Pictured

Somehow I completely forgot to take a picture of Ryan and Claire at Old C's.  I'll blame it on the Buffalo Gold.

November 23, 2010

CC kids

A mini-CC reunion w/ Ray, Rachel, and Sarah -- it was great to see them and try South American pizza, which I didn't even know existed.

November 22, 2010

Time to crash

Almost 24 hours after I got up, it was nice to see a bed.

November 21, 2010

Heading to CO(ld)

70's in Atlanta, 30's in Colorado ... time to dig out the cold weather gear.

November 20, 2010

Lunch at Leon's

"You're a handsome devil ... what's your name?"

November 19, 2010

Pizza Friday

"What do you MEAN there's people that don't watch '30 Rock'?"

November 18, 2010

Tear it down

Time to start fresh.

November 17, 2010

Save the date

Looks like 2011 is going to be the year for weddings.

November 16, 2010


I'm going to go ahead and say that having medical insurance is a good thing.

November 15, 2010

Slow sale

Not quite no sale, but definitely the slowest day that I can remember at Phidippides.  Lots of rain and not many customers.

November 14, 2010

The Promise

So I may have mentioned that there's a new Springsteen box set out?  But I'm not sure I mentioned that it's the coolest box set ever.  And a great way to spend a Sunday.